
5 - 7 - 5

haiku 261: epidemic

time is running out
hickory dickory dock
zombie mice out break

haiku 260: msg

chinese restaurant
famous house special stir fry
the finest dog meat

haiku 259: tomato

discipline, abuse
you say spork but i say foon
sides of the same coin

haiku 258: jersey brother survivor

reality shows
drama and gossip ensues
time to get real friends

haiku 257: black and red

licorice protest
segregation by palate
red army, black guard

haiku 256: drag sundays

gay bar group field trip
hetero permission slip
closet to dance floor

haiku 255: cumulonimbus

cloud watch confessions
"it's a pig? what do you think?"
"you're a pig", break up

haiku 254: rap battle

smoke crack and get wack
get hot bitches in the sack
street cred and big mac

haiku 253: housewife ho

"make me a sandwich"
"vacuum and clean up your shit"
domestic living

haiku 252: not pregnant

awaiting spurting blood flow
peeing on a stick

haiku 251: dad's birthday

forgot your birthday
it wasn't on your facebook
how could i have known?

haiku 250: drink orders

tomato and spice
hot sauce and blended virgins
my bloody mary

haiku 249: whoremonger

it's a pirate phrase
"ho, and a bottle of rum"
it's a hustler phrase

haiku 248: a run in my tights

holes in pantyhose
parallels a woman's health
more holes, more herpes

haiku 247: men don't dance

learning how to dance
a-one, a-two, cha cha cha
my balls just fell off

haiku 246: what is he doing?

lace crotchless panties
arousing in most contexts
except on my son

haiku 245: jump rope

strawberry short cake
a lover between desserts
huckleberry pie

haiku 244: 0 missed calls

cell phone reception
violent diarrhea
why i did not call

haiku 243: pee pee wee wee

endearing nick names
"the little engine that could"
oops, i meant 'dick' names