
5 - 7 - 5

haiku 297: the kay kay who?

spooky ghost costume
mistaken as racist nut
new fetish needed

haiku 296: they taste better cut diagonal

triangle shaped bread
strawberry - peanut sandwich
a world without knives

haiku 295: ---- was here

spray paint medium
dicks drawn all over the train
inspired artists

haiku 294: blood splatters

cursed butter fingers
smashing and dropping bodies
murder is a mess

haiku 293: sleeping cutie

sewing needle prick
knocked out cold for years and years
the damn thing was laced

haiku 292: 2%

rock and roll brand milk
'best before twenty-seven'
strange jack daniel's taste

haiku 291: alternative energy

thermal power hugs
sensors placed on hotel beds
power lights with love

haiku 290: thank you for flying

consuming fatigue
i told you it was jet lag
in-flight drug coma

haiku 289: hoarding, buried alive

no trash or clutter
a different kind of hoard
house crammed with ill will

haiku 288: youth to undead

ketchup to hot sauce
hot sauce to AB blood packs
red sauce progression

haiku 287: venti non-fat 180 degrees bullshit

trade lattes for love
fifteen word starbucks orders
for five 'i love you's

haiku 286: who you gonna call

murder by vacuum
death by inner soul suction
misguided ghostbust

haiku 285: no man left behind

newspaper nothing
black, white and red all over
non-racist bloodbath

haiku 284: crocodile hustler

crocodile dundee
face to face with steve irwin
crikey, thats good porn !

haiku 283: kool aid jammers

pink hair dye special
it's OH YAHH salon and spa
kool-aid based products

haiku 282: size counts

sperm whale and blue whale
brown bear and jabba the hut
world's largest mammals